"call me demetri": {

author: zacks,
date: ,

Call Me Demetri Cuz That who I Be

I’m The Star In, “My Life: The Controversy”

At The Show Critics RaveAndROAAARR As They Kick Through The Door!

They Can’t Wait nor Anticipate What Wonders Galore

A Scene Of A Sea Of A Crowd On A Cloud

At The Show They Don’t Know who’s Above Where’s Below?

In The Roots Of One’s Being Seen Fleeing So Fast

Hearing Colors, Seeing Sounds As It All Russhhesss Past

On Pursuit! So Hot, A mouse After THE CHEEZE

At Which? Applause Of The Crowd or Love Through The Breeze

Tastes Of An Echo: The Truth Aimed To Please

As “‘The Scent Of A dog’s Vocal Expression’ Definition’s” Released

Scent Of A dog Expressed Vocally Insert Definition Here Please

Armour So Tough And SO Rough To Protect not Neglect What’s Inside
not To Hide to Help Grow so Slow It Does Go but It Does GO To Show

UNTIL to Know Is To Know And you Don’t Know That you Know BUT

The Show As you Sit So Soft On The Knit

It All Comes Together Like Plucking a Feather

Unfolding Refolding Unfolding Once More

now WHAT IS left is left To Be Considered True

All Of Reality Is Just The Perspective OF WHO

Knit The Show On Sit So Soft The AS You

Time Can Not Be Stopped But Misjudged Can Be Strew

Seconds Turn To Months Turn to Years Can you See?

Call Me Demetri Cuz That Who I Be
